Sermon - Easter 4 - John 10:1-10 - The Abundant Life

Know His voice and you know the One who “will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:1-4.  That is the abundant life!

Until then, we listen to His voice, we eat His food, and we follow Him as He leads us through this valley of the shadow of death into His paradise, His heaven, and experience the fullness of this ABUNDANT LIFE that has been ours all along.

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Sermon - Easter 3 - Luke 24:13-35 - The Stranger Who Saves

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A time has arrived for the Church of our Savior to be refined by the fire of COVID-19.  “I have tried you in the furnace of affliction” Isaiah 48:10.  The peripheral things are going to fall away during this time, because they are weak and can’t withstand the fire.  What will remain will be pure.  This things that we cling to will prove to be the most important to us.  Through this time, the Lord will refine us, His people, for service to His glory. 

“And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight” Luke 24:31, He vanished from their sight, but not from their hearing: for Paul says in Romans 10:17“faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ”.

Sermon - Easter Sunday - Matthew 28:1-10 - Rescued to Rescue

What does it look like for the Christian today to hear Jesus words and “go to Galilee” themselves?  Did you notice that Jesus still refers to His disciples as family?  Even after their betrayals and lack of faith.  He calls them “brothers.”  Easter is about welcoming others into the family of resurrection!

Sermon - Epiphany 5 - Matthew 5:13-20 - You Are Salt and Light

Seeing His good work, hidden in the shame and scandal of the cross, give glory to our Father in heaven for our life – purified, preserved and glorified by the salt and the light of His Son who has called us and blessed us to point others to His good work, that they too might “give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Sermon - Epiphany 3 - Matthew 4:11-24 - Follow the Light

This is the light at the end.  No more colds and allergies, now more pain or disease, no handicaps, no more cancer.  This is the joy that we have to look forward to in the resurrection on the last day.  There it is, that’s why it is not crazy to follow Jesus, because already as we begin to follow Him we See the Light at the end.  

Sermon - Baptism of Our Lord - Matthew 3:5-6, 13-15 - Baptism: Connecting Us to Jesus

On the final day all of humanity will stand before Christ.  On that day, the Book will be opened.  But you don’t have any reason to fear.  Your name is written in that Book, the Book of Life.  Then, you will be eternally, as you are today, connected to Christ.

Sermon - Christmas 2 - Luke 2:40-52 - Lost and Found

Let Jesus' words to His mother be His words to us.  "Did you not know I must be in my Father's house?" Luke 2:49. This is where Jesus may be located by us.  He is here doing His Father's business of saving you by washing your sins away in your baptism, declaring you totally forgiven by His Word, giving you the assurance of His presence with you by putting His body into your hands and His blood to your lips.

Sermon - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Luke 2:14 - Operation Rescue Plan

The picture on Christmas Eve is of God speaking to the person who is on the edge of giving up and God says, “You’re not on your own.  You’re not forgotten.  You’re not abandoned.  In fact, I will send an army to seek you out and then I’ll rescue you.”   We don’t just celebrate that this Promised Child is here.  We celebrate that God’s rescue plan, that has reached you, has arrived.